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Also known as Belita Keaton

Romance and Comic Author

I am Buster Keaton's third cousin. I am proud of what he accomplished and enjoy his comedy. I have written a book of short comic stories using the name Belita Keaton. It's A Dog's Life is pictured above.  (read more about me on the Bio page) Enjoy adventure written in the dog's prespective, chase and intruder, bury treasure. Discover how amusing humans can appear and enjoy a laugh at our expense. Perfect for all ages. It can be purchased at Amazon.com. Barnesandnoble.com or at Publishamerica.com


Look for these books at www.Amazon.com,  go there use this address , 1413707408/qid=1086708846/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-4425113-0798463?v=glance&s=books , also available at www.Barnesandnoble.com, and www.booksamillion.com , can be ordered at your local bookstore http://www.publishamerica.net/sc/productsearch.cgi?storeid=*24adc608a4d4335a1575c341fbaf7811634e6084

Lord Tricking (Romance)

NOW ON SALE, Lord Tricking by Kim Parson, publisher America House You don't want to miss this one. It is a romance adventure. DIRECT LINK http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1413707408/qid=1086708846/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-4425113-0798463?v=glance&s=books Found guilty of murdering her wicked stepfather, Virgina is to hang. A mystery man saves her, demanding her body in exchange for her life. He is not interested in her, but in her ability to kill. Thrust into a new life with a new idenity, she has no one to trust. Everyone has a false idenity. Is she being tricked after all she is expendable? Can she trust the man she has grown to love. Ask your local book store to order it.  Tell them to order  from Publish America and give them the www.publishamerica.com address. OR THEIR DISTRIBUTOR It saves time.http://www.publishamerica.net/sc/productsearch.cgi?storeid=*24adc608a4d4335a1575c341fbaf7811634e6084 direct link to book page


I found myself desiring this man: T. H. of  Douglas

I cannot wait to read the next one. TMK of Hiram

I cannot believe this is so good. When is the next one coming out?  D.D.  Atl. GA


Review of Lord Tricking by Kim Parson


Wed, 28 Apr 2004 10:01:07 -0500

Lord Tricking
Kim Parson
Historical romance
Available from Publish America
ISBN: 1-4137-0740-8
May 2004
Virginia Hitcheson faces the judge to hear her sentence on a murder
conviction. Accused of killing her stepfather she is sentenced to hang from
the gallows the next day. That night in the prison cell she meets a handsome
man who offers her a chance at a new life. He offers her escape from the
gallows for her services. His needs are simple. All she must do is pose as
his betrothed and she will be set free of the prison. Hesitant at first, she
agrees and signs an agreement stating that Virginia Hitcheson no longer
exists and Patricia Bachman is now her new identity. And so Patricia Bachman
becomes the betrothed of Randolph Jammond, Viscount Howell.
Once at his cottage Rand and his housekeeper Anna have the task of turning
Patricia into a lady and instructing her on what is expected of her. Though
she is an excellent student she wonders what her role is in the viscount's
unknown plot. Each time she would ask Rand he would change the subject.
With each new lesson she learned it became evident that Rand was not only
able to arouse her anger but also her passion. Rand's feelings became more
than student-pupil. When she was in the presence of other men he tended to
keep a watchful eye out for her. But it was more than just protecting his
investment, Rand was starting to fall in love with the beautiful woman.

Will Rand really admit he loves Patricia? Is Randolph J. his real name?
The title might just be a small clue. It's an interesting book with not only
romance but intrigue and a bit of mystery all rolled into it. I thoroughly
enjoyed it.
Overall rating: 4 Hearts
Sensuality rating: Mildly sensual
Reviewer: Louise Riveiro-Mitchell


Lord Sirius (Released Sept 25, 2004)

Review: This one is better than the last. TMK More Spice, more romance

Sept 2004 Sirius is a spicy regency romance.  Blackmail for kisses turning into some heated moments while being stalked by a killer.

A case of mistaken room and Victoria is in a scandalous position. Lord Sirius refuses her apology and demands kisses for compensation. Making matters worse she insults him, giving him cause to demand more kisses. Sirius comes to her rescue when she becomes tipsy at a flower show and again when someone tried to kill them. Then her cousin kidnaps her to ruin her reputation and force her to marry him. Sirius steps in an offers to pretend they are betrothed. When the time comes to end the betrothal, will Victoria do the honorable thing and set Sirius free?
This is a taste of the constant action, CHECK OUT THE BOOK http://www.publishamerica.com/ , http://www.barnesandnoble.com/, http://www.amazon.com/ or order at your local bookstore.    http://www.publishamerica.net/product5166.html  direct link to publishers copy

Delicious, fast read: Debra D. of Atlanta

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Dark Corner, USA